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pia vpn huluIn reality, as we have already seen, first-order norms may fail to be value optimal, or relevant norms may not exist at all.How the Norm Arises in Ideal Markets To see how the term-compatibility norm arises, suppose a seller includes an incompatible term in a contract.We divide the argument into the part primarily about buyers and the part prvpn netflix qatarimarily about sellers.korean vpn chrome extensionAre We Right? Why should anybody think the fundamental norm governing standard form contracts is the second-order, term-compatibility norm? Our answer: the term-compatibility norm is a consequence of the existence of first order norms.We will show that sellers will replace incompatible terms with terms compatible with value optimal, first-order norms.Then all contracts will contain only compatible terms, and the result will be that “buyers demand terms compatible with value optimal norms” will be the norm, a behavioral regularity that exists in part because buyers think they ought to conform.ipvanish vpn how many devices